As always speilberg did best and a great thrilling movie by steven speilberg
Plot: - Its the story of a russian spy who caught during cold war between america and rusia. And then a lawyer( tom hanks) satted to defence him. And this man saves the life of that man and anothe one man.
Performance: - There is no second thaught on the acting of toma hanks( james b. Donovan) and Mark rylance( rudolf abel) both are great in their characters.
Sound track: - This time Thomas new man is with speilberg not john wiliams. But still the music is awesome as always.
Direction: - Steven speilberg the name is enough for taking movie to block buster. Speilberg is great in his work but he is good this time. Not as great as saving private ryan, schindlers list and Munich. But this movie experience the thrill.
Must watch for speilberg lovers.!