I had my son enrolled for the distance education of AIEEE/BITSAT at Brilliant tutorials based in Chennai, their sit down test located at various locations in India is organised well, but recently they have rolled out an alternative online test system, if one opts for online based test system he cannot revert back to the sit down tests.
Their online test system is a total failure, one cannot log into their online website, and if successful the login system fails, Brilliant had to cancel two online test due to failure on their part to run the system smoothly. It is total waste of precious time of our child and also waste of money.
My advise, enrol your child only after double ocnfirming with students who are already taking the course currently, and make sure you take a written guarantee that if their online tests fail to take off then you can get a refund. When contacted about our problems their staff is also rude and give us a standard reply, no real help is available.