Great web space provider. If you want to register for a free website name without any distributing banners or popup ads and so on.
Brinkster brings you more than 10 MB space and you can upload more than 20 files to it. Very easy to use and no need to being a html influence man or markup programmer. Just design your site with brinkster elements or templates and Publish it easily. even it gives you customer support and help and you will have a great website. the type of DNS configurating of this site will be and hen you can shorten it by taking a shortcut for example at or for visitor quick access and then no need for typing such long address and people can remember it easily.
many people ask me where to register thier site as a troublshooter. They say me the condition of thier site. for example if they need great space for uploading many files , I will suggest them brinkster but if they need to register for a website will less than 50 files, I will recommand them because of its ease of use and quick access and delayless registration support.
If you are a web design proffesional then I will suggest you for register at brinkster and never for registering at such geocities or free servers or 8m.
8m advertising will kid and joke you and if you want to make a domain from for example asia or south west , geocities will block you at the moment of registering or after 5 mounths and if you live just at newyork or the seasides of california! Geocities admins will block your site after 1 year and it is very bad and foolish!
But brinkster will never close your site and send you such message that we closed your site beacuse of writing bad contents and so on.
It is great for professionals to work at brinkster for its ease of use, site loading speed, Good management, addone compatibilities and goodies and featuers, supporting cold fusion, flash and xml like real paid servers such as or and dont distributing you and even customer support.
when you register for a website in mouthshut you can be sure that no type of danger is near you even hackers attack and DOS attacks because yahoo security holes are many numerouse and many of them are open to hackers and they can easily for example your site at geocities but at brinkster you are very very safe!
Join it and enjoy managing a great website