I love cheese. I always prefer using amul brand when I need to buy cheese and butter. One day when I the stock of amul cheese slice was finished I had to go for Britannia. I eat cheese slice in between the breads and I use it to make white pasta.
When I ate it with the bread it was okay for me. Equivalent to the amul one. Then one day I used it to make white pasta, and I found this cheese slice tremendously good than amul cheese slices. It tasted like we eat in pizza huts and dominos. The taste of Britannia cheese slice was far better than amul. Amul cheese slice smells little bad, when we use it in pasta. On the other hand, I just loved the smell of Britannia cheese slice. The color of cheese is also very nice. It is kind a off white which looks good in white pasta. It is even healthy to eat. The packing is also very good.
The way of taking out single cheese slice is very amazing. You can take it out without any difficulty. One big slice without any breaking. So keep it in freezer otherwise it will melt a bit.