BRITANNIA GOOD DAY biscuits are very tasty, i have tried almost all flavours of Britannia but my favourite biscuits are BRITANNIA GOOD DAY and I cant stop myself from eating them, out of two flavours I liked the most rich cashew cookies and it will be more delightful when it will be taken along with a cup of tea, and they are much better than any local biscuits or cookies from bakery, when I was in class 5th I remember the slogan and still chants in my earBRITANNIA KHAO WORLD CUP JAO" at that time I used to take 5-6 packet of cashew flavour from the market on per day basis and the year became memorable for me and I was sharing with you all so please enjoy everyday in the morning with britannia good day cashew, pista, rich butter cookies flavours.