Biscuits immediately bring to our mind crunchy. Britannia Good day biscuits are my favorite snacks to resume my strength and energy. Just after heavy physical or mental work or after doing all my household work or after long walk, or shopping I feel exhausted and very tired unable to proceed to my next work, . immediately I used to take 4 to 5 Britannia Goodday cashew biscuits and drink a glass of water. Within 5 to 10 minutes I feel not only full but also energized.
Really it is a great meal to rejuvenate when you feel tired and hungry. It is not only crunchy but also with nuts that provides nutrients to our body. It is easily available in most of the small and big stores. Easy accessible and affordable. It is helpful for me when I used to get unexpected guests. They are of good size, attractive(with nuts in between) delight the guests. Britannia Goodday Cashew biscuits are my favorite choice and I used to have 3 to 4 packs always ready in my snacks box.