Britannia Bourbon recently giving TV ads and also online ads for aishwaryasingh23tm Britannia Bourbon offer “JITNE KA PACK UTNE KA FREE CASH“.
But, before you consider this Britannia. Check the TRUE FRAUD STORY
First of all, they are not giving any information on the TV ad or anywhere about the limit.
But, once customer purchase, they cannot use more than 6 packs. They MUST have included that in the ad itself but, to do FRAUD with Indian customers they are very negligent.
NOW Let me tell you about ONGOING Fraud with this Britannia.
After you purchase this expensive biscuit with the hope of getting cash back on aishwaryasingh23tm Wallet. They do not have any option to enter from aishwaryasingh23TM app which most of the people use. You need to do to their website from browser and open this link
But, as soon as you open this and enter code from Britannia Bourbon you will get this error
"Please try again after some time"
Irrespective of hundreds of times you try.
You spent lot of time on this. That too for a weeks. You DO NOT get cash back.
So, even if you contact Britannia Bourbon - NO response from pathetic fellows.
If you contact aishwaryasingh23TM help which is available only through email at or by clicking help from App
They simply giving this information.( I would like to inform you that due to some issues promo code is not working properly. Kindly try again after 24 hours with a valid promo code you have.We hope this helps. Should you need any further assistance, let us know.Look forward to see you again at aishwaryasingh23tm.Happy to help!)
I simply copy and paste email response from aishwaryasingh23TM.So, even if you try after 24 hours. 48 hours SAME error again.I came to know from many people in our neighborhood and also from Colleagues
Earlier it worked for few people and NOW not working.As per my friend who contact aishwaryasingh23tm many times. They even gave these response which you simply cannot BELIEVE.Simply check READ this line with BOLD Eyes
( We would like to inform you that as per terms and conditions set by Britannia only 15 users can use their promo code on aishwaryasingh23tm in the span of 1 hour. Hence we would like to request you to try in the next consecutive hour. It might be possible that you are trying after the quota is complete for that hour.)
Britannia a biggest biscuit company in India.Which is selling lakhs of biscuit pack EVERYDAY. HOW can give this kind of irresponsible statement?
Practically it is not possible at all - As a customer you purchase Biscuit pack by Trusting the company. By trusting Britannia and By Trusting aishwaryasingh23TM
But, Combine these both companies CHEATING lakhs of Indian customers
So, what exactly Government of India Doing when biggest companies like these doing day-time Robbery?
As per above words if 15 users can try for 1 hours. Then BELIEVE me. You need to wait for years to get your promo code. And for your information. Company SET time up to December 2015
MOREOVER why as a customer we should suffer. WE should get instantly otherwise we should able to file a fraud case.I am simply not writing this review. I am writing this after trying for at least 15 times on different days.
And not all people are very much knowledgeable and educated. They simply try for one or two times and that innocent people even do not know how to contact support.And who will have time to try for weeks?
So, this is totally FRAUD.From today onward simply DO NOT PURCHASE any item from Britannia. Why we should give chance to FRAUDSTER company Britannia Government should totally BAN Britannia from immediate effect
And also take action against aishwaryasingh23TMHOW can aishwaryasingh23TM become irresponsible company in the initial stage of company in India?
Imagine a company Britannia that is doing day time robbery and involve in this kind of fraud. What about the quality of their biscuit?
Like Maggie it can also be dangerous. Forward this to all friends and colleagues and STOP purchasing Britannia biscuits.Give opportunity for small sellers, bakery vendors in your locality. They are poor people work very hard and compared to Britannia their prices are also less.
So, purchase biscuit from local bakeries in your area. This will actually help Indian employment as well.BIG companies like BRITANNIA doing fraud and government simply sleeping in India.
Do not purchase any product from Britannia - Specially Britannia Bourbon should be banned because of this fraud.
All information I have provided is 100 percent correct and you can yourself as well.