Once again, another trip to the middle east was in order, Abu Dhabi and a short side trip to Muscat, Oman.
Now having only tried long haul middle east carriers; Etihad, Emirates, Gulf Air to the middle east I was wondering how BA would fair up in comparison. Well, once arriving at LHR Terminal 4, we were greeted with a letter, sorry BA72 is overbooked and you can not make the flight today. What a lovely start to a 5 day break for my mothers birthday!
After speaking to a lovely ba check in agent, we were given seats on the flight, albeit aprt from each other, although I was given the exit row, which was an added bonus, we later found out the emirati cricket team were onboard in Y and were taking up a vast amount of the small Y cabin, that BA offer.
Pretake off, amenity kits were offered and water, had a rather aburpt cabin crew sat oppisite me, who when I smiled at, completly put her nose up at me, I no it was a bank holiday, but this is her job.
The flight went fine and we made amazing time, arriving into AUH after around 6hrs in the air, bear in mind it has taken a good 8hrs for me in the past.
In IFE was rather limited, but the cabin was kept clear and the meal was rather nice. The short sector to muscat was completed in 40mins, water was distributed.
2nights in Muscat
Early morning departure to AUH, cabin crew were lovely, couldnt have asked for any nicer, IFE was so much better than outbound from LHR, shame I was only on board for around 50mins.
Stayed at hilton, abu dhabi for 3nights, amazing hotel and amazingly cheap rates!
On arrival at AUH for return flight to LHR, flight once again overbooked, BA really need to sort this problem out, if they can have DXB at 20 flights a week, then im sure they can get a better than 7 flights a week to AUH and muscat on the B777.
Once again, not seated together yet I have the emergancy exit row, much to my joy, I can sleep easily. On tonights flight we had a large number of expats going home for a holiday? Meals were good, breakfast just after departure, which I would have prefered when we got to LHR, which instead was a small snack box, I got two, of course!
Arrival into LHR was early, one of the first in that morning, again we had completed the sector in great timing and I was away stuck in traffic on the M25 on a monday morning.