Bade Bhai ka Brothers Dhaba is at walking distance from Golden Temple. This place is famous for ethnic punjabi food, All Food items available here are made from 100% pure ghee and serve all standards, they specialise in punjabi food, amritsar kulcha and punjabi sweets.
The best and most authentic Indian food weve eaten for a long time at “Bade Bhai ka Brother’s Dhaba” very recently. This is a place where you will get 100% Veg food.. All were the most interesting and delightful dishes weve had in a long time. I must say that the food here is more, more and more times better than the Bhrawan ka Dhaba. This Bade Bhai ka Brother’s dhaba is different from the Bhrawan ka Dhaba. It’s Foods, Drink and Services all give 100% satisfaction to the Customer. This Dhaba is a favorite place of mine.
The best dhaba in amritsar.