Bruce was better than ever in this movie. It was laugh out loud funny. I couldnt resist to see it just once I saw it 2 times. 1 with my family and 1 with my friends. Jim carey is just such a funny character. If you dont like jim carey you obiously wont like this movie. This movie is about a man who is blamming god for his mistakes... god gives him his powers. So he goes and tryes to be god as god takes a brake. But it is tougher than bruce thought. I just loved this movie. I deffinantly recomend this 2 a friend. Even if you saw this movie you would still wanna see this movie again and buy the DVD.
Some of my favorite parts where when bruce almighty makes a monkey come out of a gangstas butt. That was sooo funny. so go see this movie right now with a friend.