Jim Carrey does it again !!!
You sketch the comparison of the acting career of Jim Carrey with that of Robin Williams. Robin Williams peaked while doing out n out comedy, then went on to do the Comedy Movies that got a Message. Jim Carrey started of by doing Mask, Ace Ventura series both out-and-out comedy, then in a sudden change of plan did Liar and Liar, The Truman Show and now its Bruce Almighty.
Plot :
These are His manifold forms before thee,
Rejecting then, where seekest thou for God?
Who loves all beings, without distinction,
He indeed is worshipping best his God.
-Swami Vivekananda.
If we had Intellectual Property Rights 70-80 years ago, Swami Vivekananda could have sued Steve Koren & Mark oKeefe (Story Board) along with the Director Tom Shadyac, for stealing his words and putting it up on silver screen.
The movie revolves around Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey), who is a Television Journalist, average I may add. Being on look out for better living, he is totally dis-satisfied with his life and God. Bruce keeps complaining for his pathetic life to God. His prayers are atlast heard by God(Morgan Freeman), who invites him to have all his power and be Him.
Plays pranks for his own sake against, fellow Journalist, few Thugs, his Girlfriend Grace (Jannifer Aniston). But all his show case of power leads to disasters for others.
But all his almighty power couldnt lead him to please Grace, who sincerely loves and prays for her. He comes to know how difficult is to listen to all the devotees God have, and the Prayers He has to attend to. He understands how tough its to be God.
At end he has to return all His Powers to Him, and try to be a simple guy, loved by Grace.
Few Quotes :
Bruce : I can do it Jack ! I can be like Evan.
Jack :You dont want to be Evan, Evans an Asshole.
Bruce :I can be an asshole.
Jack :No; You cannt.
[Bruce knocks over Jacks Sandwich]
Jack : You going to get that.
Bruce : Yeah; Im sorry.
[Bruce picks up the Sandwich]
Bruce : Where are you going ?
God : Vacations.
Bruce : God cannt take vacations !
God : Ever heard of dark ages.
Attraction :
Incredible Sense of Humor, thats associated.
Special Effects, especially the Moon & the Monkey sequence.
Plot in itself.
Superb Performance by all.
PG-13, makes the whole family go for it.
Verdict :
Incredible Movie. A Must Watch.