I have been using the BSNL network from when I started using the mobile in my college days.Its been nearly 6 years I am using the network and I am happy with everything from the sms to internet packs. The plans are cheap and good and the main important thing that makes BSNL stand out from other networks is that the network range is available even in rural places.Overall my favourite. Bsnl Is A Mobile Operator. I was using Bsnl But Now I Had Left It But I Want To Give A Review Which Can Help you To Choose The Best Operator Of ur Choice. Bsnl Rates Are Good And range Never Goes Down Even In Villages. Previously Bsnl Had Lower Internet Pack But Now They Have Higher Prices But Some Good Packs Are There. We Can Get 3G Pack In 2G Price. That Is Very Good Thing. Internet Speed Is Ok. Bsnl Has Good Thing That We Can Do Self Recharge from Our balance At Reduced Price. Example: For 135 Minute Pack we Have To Pay Around 20 Rs. Less from Balance. If U Need Good Benefit At Low Price Then U Can Prefer To But This Operator Sim.
But In Some Area Where 3G Is Newly Launched There 3G Is Equal To 2G In day. So If U Want 3G In Newly Launched Area Then U Should Not Buy.
But In Other Area It Is Very good Speed.
Bsnl is the telecommunication network owned by the government of india.The very first network I have used and been using it till now.
The best thing about this network is many-Very large availability of cellular range even in the rural areas and the cheap rated calls provided by them.But whenever I activated by 3G network through Sms, I only able to use the features that are in 2G.Because it seems lik they dont provide 3Gyo some rural areas.But when I go to the city kind of area, 3G automatically gets connected from 2G.Thats the only thing I was disappointed with this network. Also the internet speed is not an appreciating one.Pages loading very slow.And many people suggested me to change to some other network when I told them about this problem.But wait, where you get this much cheap rated internet packs-low cost for a huge MBs.And I get free Sms often and it is really useful. There are many plans available-sometimes you get confused about the plans.Overall a good reasonable network by the government.