Hello frnds I am from west bengal I am useing bsnl broadband from 2010 of april.when the speed was very solw other than isp.but the service is very good here.when jio was in market bsnl suddenly annouced bsnl will give us unlimited call and net ( not 9p.m to 7 a.m) .The pack name is bbg combo 1299 the features in this pack
1: If pack activated it will give you unllimited call 24x7.
2: bsnl give you 2 mbps flat speed 24x7.not beyond low speed alawyes give you 2 mbps.and the torrent spped near about 300kbps.if you like this pack frnds contact near bsnl branch or sreach in goole 1299 bbg combo plan.plese like this.