If you are looking for BSNL BroadBand. If so, please find some other alternative. I have applied for a new BSNL Broadband line on 23.09.2010 at BSNL- Jayanagar but till today (06.10.2010) no body turned up nor called me. I have made 6 visits to BSNL Jayanagar but of no use.
These are people I have interacted so far, till now every body show the fingers to other & no body wants to take responsibality. I dont have any idea wheather new connection will be made or not & when.Ganesh (Marketing- approched for new connection: 9480807101 Vathsala (Area In-charge) : 94490-66350 Cable In-charge: AC Raju - 2012 8459 (Who works only during 1st half & nobody knows where he will be after 2pm as per their collegues)
SD: 2293 1750
JTO: 94480-84048
Its one of the most irresponsible governament organisation I have seen.If you are looking for a Broadband line, please go for alternative service provider instead of wasting your precious time.
Shashidhara E
email: sshe@rediffmail.com