Bsnl known as biggest network based government company but had very poor staff specially for complaint issues.
When you call fir a technical problem to customer care they always responded in sensible and never there technician arrived on site on time and the issue remains for severals days.
I went to BSNL office to apply new internet broadband connection but they told me first you apply for telephone connection then for broadband after your telephone number created. I applied for new landline connection in my area. I have submitted all document which needed. the time of submission of documents they told me your telephone number will create after 2 or 3 days. when I went there after 3 days, number was not created. after 2 week they created my telephone number and told me our workers will coming to your home to given connection. I had wait 1 month but they not came. when I went there to asking why you not came, they given unbelievable reply, right now workers not available here, they all on Holidays so please you(means me) provide us some man then we will provide you connection. what an disgraceful service is this. till yet they have not came.