I am surprised to find no reviews on BSNL Broadband services.
I have a 256Kbps unlimited plan at my home. The browsing speed is inconsistent. Downloads can be maintained between 25-32KBps. I think this is pretty good number. I can download 1GB in 8 hours. Lot of sites dont open. May be DNS problem. Customer support is not up to the mark.
Installation and activation is pretty easy. Online payment is easy too. Expect the service to be down for 5-10 days per year. Sometimes this gets pretty irritating. I was not able to open the BSNL site today.
Broadband speed also depends on distance from the server and number of users sharing the same line. So speed may vary from place to place.
Overall the service is good except when you face problems. I feel customer support has improved leaps and bounds but still not in comparison with private companies.