*I live in Lucknow city and taken BSNL broadband connection in yaer 2009 . It work fine for a year and half but after that it start torching me.
Every month or two wire break or some type of IC burn in server .After every complain it took 3 to 5 days to repair .
This repeatedly happen for a year and than in year 2013 it stop working.After more than 100 complain(this include complain via telephone, online complain and complain at bsnl office personally) after 8 month my broadband again started.
But after 3 month my connection was permanently disconnected, when I went to office for reason for my disconnection I was told that I have not paid bill of Rs 16000 for the year 2006 . I told why I will pay bill for 2006 if I had telephone connection in year 2009.They dont listen. After running from office to office for 3 days my broadband again started but when my bill came Rs 500 extra was added for new bsnl connection.
This is not only the story of my pathetic BSNL broadband, there are more but if I will write here no space will left. I try to bear this type of torcher from BSNL for two year but finally I gave up . Now I promise myself that I will never to take BSNL connection in my life even if it will be the last broadband connection available on earth.*