The pricing is much much lower than the competition in UP East(Essar), (and I gues sits a lot lower than existing comp.anywhere in the country)the coverage a zillion fold better(nearly seamless coverage)while essar cover 4-5 cities and thats it. excellent voice quality. free sms, free roaming, free incoming.....real good VFM package.
howeevr the helpline is complately non-existent here. smsing on some networks is a lso nnot poss.(i cant send or recv smses to/frm the reliance mobile network in WB/Bihar/Orissa) though sms works fine for most other networks
the coverage is far better than most of the competitioninany other state, so roaming is a breeze too, and I get charged home network charges while roaming. thers no airtime charge if u make a STD call(and thats the final clincher coz I make a lotta std calls)