There are a lot of operators who provide good speeds and plans but there are some operators which provide none BSNL is of that Kind.
Speed and reliablity
You can expect 2g connection everywhere what is the use of 2G in this generation. Your data wont get connected most of the time even if it is connected the suites wont go above 500 kbps when checked through ookla.
If you are the one who uses only voice calls and do not expect quality then you can choose BSNL
Customer service
It holds one of the worst customer service. The executive wont even ask whether the issue is resolved by them they are too keen in hanging up. They say invalid reasons and do not accept fault in them.
Although these days BSNL tries to you the best plans but what is the use if there is no speed we cant rely on it they give 2 to 3 GB per day but the speed which they give helps us to download maximum of 200 MB I have suffered a lot using BSNL and would not recommend this to anyone