Hey friends..I am working outside India for a telecom company which claims to be one of the worlds best telecom providers with a profit of around $2.7 billion (I am not wrong..its 2.7 billion)...I found their service to one of the worst I have ever seen...... when I was in India..I dont remember getting any billing errors...and the lines was all ways perfect except on bad weather days
My company, the customer service is one of the worst in the world. And there is lot billing error, I am with this company(I get some call concesion, that why I am with them). I get calls billed to me during the time wen no one is at home.. I dont know how..and those calls are made to my friends home wen they are with us...there is no one in my home to make a call and no one in their house nor answering machine to take the call and still I get charged....inspite of all this the company has customers..becoz the customer service is not different frm any of our competitor...so the public is fed up and are ready to take it as it comes...
They are just bothered of making money....they dont care how..they want to make money.....
I can go on typing with the bull shitness of the company...
So stop blaming BSNL and praise it, it has been giving us exellent service ..(you will know this once u go out off India) lemme finish by saying All that Glitter is not Gold