Dataone Broadband service was launched with much fanfare in Orissa in March. I was one of those persons going for this service. In fact I switched over from my existing DIAS connection to ADSL broadband.
I made a real mistake without testing this connection properly. Ever since the I am on DataOne Broadband I am facing all sorts of problem. Frequent Disconnection, Very slow speed (some times even slower than Dial Up connection) are some of the problems I am facing. To add salt to the injury Bsnl do not have a proper complaint handling system. Its suffers from the hangover from Pre-privatisation era. No body listens to your complain. Even after registering a complain you have to make several phone calls to various officials including the Lineman, SDO, JTO etc and personally request them to check your lines. These people still behave like real babus. Their attitude towards me is very offensive.