I have seen a lot of advertising regarding bsnl broadband.as I have already bsnl dialup connection which is still functioning very good.i make a mood to have broadband home connection.i went to telephone exchange and applied for broad band connection.staff of bsnl was very helpful in providing the connection.
On second day broad was installed on my premises.as iwas very happy to own home plan 125 with free downloading of 150 mb.but what I have observed after taking broad band the free data 150 mb is consumed very fast.connection speed is also not very fast as hyped.the service and support of course is very good but charges of downloading are very high after free data downloading.i wouid suggest anyone going for broadband bsnl dialup is much better with time bound tarrif where you pay according to the time. dial up speed is little bit slower then broad band it gives you freedom surf according to time.