Avoid BSNL Broadband Dataone, if you have other choice like Reliance, Airtel (have introduced EDGE in Big cities, which is better than BSNL Broadband, as speed is faster with unlimited downloads).
Even cable Internet of Hathway etc. is better as it provides unlimited downloads, on limited speed of say 256 KBPS. Always go for unlimited download options, if you can compromise on speeds, as that is the cheapest option.
For users who just need day long unlimited connectivity, but can do with speeds of usual landline connections, should try the GPRS by Reliance, Tata, (on CDMA) Airtel, Idea, Hutch, BPL etc.
We required from BSNL Nashik, the usage data in last week of June 2005, to select the plan as per our usage, but the Sarkari Babus at Nashik & their bosses at Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore & even at Delhi, could not provide us the TOTALS in GB/ MB/ KB of our monthly usage, as they had conveniently forgotten to put in place the software to show total the users usage online on daily/ day-to-day/ weekly/ monthly basis.
BSNL cited technical reasons for not being able to provide us with such totals, and this lame excuse still continuous, as the bifurcated data for Home plans for the FREE downloads, between 2 - 8 AM is still all mixed up with downloads between paid periods between 8 AM to 2 AM, as available on their website.
All users were trapped into their nets, with the results, could not give Change of Plan letters in time to BSNL, due to the deficiency on the part of BSNL to provide the users with usage data for June 2005.
Finally fed up with their deficiency in services, we gave our first letter to BSNL to upgrade us to a higher plan on 8th July 2005, on which they could not act as their softwares were not technically upgraded to accept such change of plan. Again we gave another letter on 15th July 2005 to still higher plan, which was acted upon only on 4th of August 2005. In the meantime, they provided us with the speeds of lower plans, but charged us 400% for additional downloads, our bill for July 2005 was Rs. 14, 724.00; though it should have been limited to Rs.3, 000/- plus taxes.
Our numerous representations, to correct the bill fell on deaf years and finally we had to pay the bill, on threats of getting our phone disconnected. We now plan to go to Telephone Adalat and failing which to Consume Courts to seek justice.
One thing more have come to our attention that BSNL has charged the Service Tax @ 10.20% on the SALE of Modems to Broadband users. Now Service Tax can be charged on a providing a service and not on sale/ supply of physical goods, like Modems, which are subject to VAT, which is already included in their declared prices of Rs.2000/-. , to the buyers, who paid Modem Sale Price (one time). BSNL staff in private agree that this excess billing of Rs.204/- can be claimed back.
They overcharged me by Rs. 1121.83, for Broadband usage during August 2005, by their unique billing tactics. Now this is more funny than pure excess billing. BSNL reduced the broadband rates for excess usage with effect from 15th August 2005, our independence day, to encourage the citizens of Independent India to use broadband more. But their billing department was bent upon outsmarting the users, in its Sarkari style. BSNL just divided the MONTH of August 2005, into two parts, as First fortnight & Second fortnight. The monthly downloads upto 15th August 2005, were segregated from usage from 16th August 2005, by drawing the LAKSHMAN REKHA.
Now they forfeited any less data usage during the first fortnight and just billed their consumers for excess usage during the second fortnight, by dividing the contracted monthly download limit into two equal parts. Well now the consumers have contracted for monthly download usage and the invention of two fortnights within one month is outright cheating the gullible users. Now, my bill for the usage within my contracted 10 GB during the month of August 2005 was bifurcated in such a way that I was billed for Rs. 1018/- plus tax @ 10.20 % for excess usage. Now I have to run from pillar to post to prove my point, but Sarkari Babus are enjoying their Air-conditioned cosiness and have no time for looking into this injustice.
Had there been no reduction in rates on 15th August (Independence day), my bill for the excess usage would have been ZERO. Had there been an increase in such rates, the bill would have been again ZERO, but BSNL deliberately changed the rates in mid month, with his formulae in mind to squeeze its gullible innocent users of last thousands of Rupees, before they run away to other ISPs. BSNL knew fully well that Broadband users tend to keep their usage low during the first half of the month and tend to utilise their download limits fully towards, the end of month.
As otherwise also, the BSNL Broadband is always down daily for minimum half an hours, specially in the mornings, when everyone has to check his emails. Users have to keep a second option like GPRS, Hathway cable Internet etc. on pay, to fall back upon the unreliable BSNL Broadband. BSNL knows fully well that people have cancelled their second landline Basic Telephone connections and dial up internet subscriptions, from Sanchrnet, Dishnet, VSNL, Sify etc. after opting for Broadband. This Independence day, a lot of BSNL Broadband subscribers were left poorer by a couple of thousands each. Just check your BSNL bills for August 2005 and find out, if you are also celebrated this costly Independence Day.
So the morel of the story is; be very careful if you use any services of BSNL Sarkari Service, and check their billing with utmost care and take back the refunds by making rounds to their respective offices, by spending your good money to get back your own money, if any billed in excess, due to their unique Sarkari softwares, which are tuned to make excess billings. BSNL staff agrees in private that all excess billing, as proved by me as above must be claimed back, with interest. Only the fighter wins in the end.