Hi MS..
I had taken the BSNL DataOne connection last month and I am pretty happy with it.. I have not received my first bill yet ;-)
The connection is fast.. As promised, downloads (with Opera or Flashget) give anything between 26-30kBps. I usually get 28-29 for most servers..
Coming to P2P software, BitTorrent gives me 25-28kBps consistently for popular files.
I am using a Rs500 plan, and hence there is a 1GB download limit.
But theres no limit between 2AM and 8AM!! So better go for a download manager which has scheduling options (Flashget, uTorrent etc..).
During the fist few days, I was having severe problems with the connection.. It just wouldnt connect. Now everything is OK.. In the last 25 days, my data transfer stands at 6.7GB. BSNL gave a website https://dataone.in to check the usage statistics. But for some reason, the site doesnt work. After contacting the technical support, they gave another site, which works fine.
Only problem is that the site gives data transfer including the free-time transfers. So its up to the user to take a calculator and subtract to find the actual data for which the bill will be made.
Unlike cable internet, this is a connection based service, meaning you have to create a connection for Windows/Linux and then use the connection. Its easier done than said.. Just create a broadband connection in Windows XP, or a similar PPPoE connection on Linux..
To sum up:
Promised speed (< 30kBps)
Good connectivity
Good technical support
- Data transfer limit (necessary evil?)