My dear friends I would like to tell you that PLEASE be very cautious when u go for a BSNL broad band, I took the connection in Nov06 I bought a D-link ADSL 512 KBPS modem,
I tried to configure the modem but failed. spoke to the exchange AE he said, bring the modem I will test it , Testing it he said the modem is unable to detect the bsnl IP so it will not work, I went back to the dealer who showed me it works perfectly, I went back home and after help from dealer I configured the modem , Now it gets disconnects after every 5 to 10 minutes, I spoke to the BSNL Broad band Engr he asked me what is the noise level in the modem I told him the values of the SNR and line adulation he said the values are very high you go to the Exchange and talk to the AE this is a line problem (as if BSNL exchange is another company) just because I did not buy the modem from BSNL they want to put all the blame on the modem. So please do not take a BSNL connection unless you know a Engr personally who can help you, One good thing about BSNL is cheap but if you want service and reliability pl go to private operator.