This is my conversation with the BSNL support centre person of late regarding my Dataone Broadband connection. (BTW, my dataone connection goes dead 3 or 4 times a month and especially when there is a holiday or a weekend.)
When you dial 1800-424-1600, the music keeps playing in the background with a recorded voice of a lady saying "Your call is important to us, please be on line".
After holding for a minimum of 20 mins somebody picks up the phone with all the lethargy in the world.(Huh! Why is somebody calling?)
Myself : I am calling from XXXXXXX and my name is XXXXXXX. Can you please confirm if the server has an issue?
Support Center: What is you modem model?
Myself: WA3002-g1
Support Center: What is the modem status?
Myself: Showtime
Support Center: There is a problem in the line. Please contact your local JTO.
(How on earth did he figure out that the line has a problem without even asking the SNR or line attenuation reading? And why should I call this intelligent fellow If I already knew I should approach the JTO)
Support Center: Please hold on. I will book a complaint.
Support Center: Your docket number is XX.
Myself: Can you please tell me why is that the dataone goes down so frequently?
Support Center: Cable problem. (How many times dude?)
Myself: Look, if this keeps happening I will switch over to some other private ISP.
Support Center: Yes sir, that is a very good solution (I am stumped!)
Myself: How can you survive in the long run if your support is like this? You may even lose your job?
Support Center: I am not depending on BSNL either. I will also look out somewhere.
Myself: Thank you.
Support Center: Thank you for calling BSNL. Do you have anything else to ask us?
Myself: No.
This is the attitude of BSNL. If you want a connection, have it or get lost is the clear message.
Rest of the things are for you to decide.
However, I want to mention a good thing about BSNL. Whenever I call the PA of the General manager, things work out. But how may times will you keep bothering the PA? As always there are good employees and bad employees but the unfortunate thing is that the latter ones rule the roost!