Hi, this is karhik . I have been using Bsnl for a month in Bangalore. The Speed is very good and most importantly the download rate is incredible! , more than any other connection. The price is very affordable. Coming to the service part I think they are much better especially considering them to be Govt organisation. Most of the times when I called them their response was surprisingly good.If you still have doubts then you have probably not experienced the response from other broadband service providers who are much worse.The only complaint if I had was their delay in giving me a connection about 2 months but thats actually less than what they said(5-6 months).I would rate this as the best work done by the Govt in recent times in terms of infrastructure.
One last thing, most of the complaints are about the problem configuring of the modem. I would suggest everybody not to bother about purchasing a modem on their own .Leave it to the BSNL, the modem they provide is pretty good and goes very well with their service.