My 1st encounter with a broadband service was facilitated by Dataone! After spending half of my first half of my life using dial-up, anything that offered a speed above 10Kbps would fall under the good category. So quite obviously I am very happy with dataone as a service as it offers a speed way above 10 kbps.
Dataone as a broadband service rocks, but if taken in isolation. I mean BSNL still sucks!
If you plan to move to Dataone, expected the unexpected...
Do not give up you current plan before your dataone connection starts working! I had applied for dataone almost an year back... a month back I became a happy Dataone customer :)
Make sure you get what plan you opted for. By default youll be put under Home 250 with 400MB of download. Any further download will cost you Rs. 1.40 / MB! Which is bloody costly!
And when they say first 2 months free... it means that only the rent is waived! Youll have to pay for the extra downloads!
I landed up paying a bill of Rs. 10800 cos I did not notice these points thinking sarkari hai... cheap theek hi hoga. I opted for Home 500, was given Home 250. I bindas downloaded stuff thinking first 2 months are free... landed up paying a fortune... Rs.10, 000 is a still a fortune for me, if not for you :|
- Getting your plan changed is not easy either! Make sure you can run a marathon!
I think if you are a normal user, Home 500 is a good option. with 2GB download limit.
If you know what torrents are... I think the new Home UL 900 should be good.
Rs. 900 rent... unlimited downloads :)
Best of Luck!