I am a subscriber to Data One 500 plan and my Dataone connection is not working since last week of June. On talking to a service personnel and running diagnostics, it was found that the modem supplied by BSNL has a problem and I was told that BSNL will replace/ repair the modem. This was during first week of July. Since then I had lodged 12 complaints, 100+ calls to AE, GM, Pricipal GM, DGM -PR etc; couple of emails to them. Till today not even any trace of any response from BSNL. Even the mails to PGM were bouncing and the office telephone of PGM (given by cust care) was not even working (No internal support even to BSNL GMs???)
If any of you gays know how to get support from BSNL, pleassssssssssssse share.
I am seriously thinking of getting other broadband service & also taking up with consumer court. If any of you have the experience of taking on BSNL in Consumer court, please advise me the steps