This is the best data card I have, EVDO. Access speed of 2mbps and Download speed of minimum 150kbps....
And just Rs.550 per month ....if u have purchased the EVDO device for Rs.3800. If not Rs.750 per month (Rs.550 access charge + Rs.200 for rent of devise) ....Rs.1000 - security deposit (Refundible). You will come across 2 types of cards..
One is EVDO which I have said above...Another is NIC card...Nic card is of very low speed. Its details are as follows
Access speed of 230kbps
download speed of 25-30kbps Rs.250 per month if u have purchased the EVDO device for Rs.2500
If not Rs.400 per month (Rs.250 access charge + Rs.150 for rent of devise) ....Rs.1000 - security deposit (Refundible). In these two types of cards I suggest Evdo data card is best..I have tried NIC card also....but not satisfied with speed