GPRS is the worst option and it can never be used as a primary connection. It just comes useful at case of emergency when no other option is available. Regarding bsnl evdo, for the 250 mb plan you get assured speeds above 100kbps and for evdo they claim 2mbps speeds but effectively you get around 400-800kbps
range always.
Regarding public ip, you will be getting a ip in local range just like Airtel Mobile Office, but evdo is upgrading after few months they will give public ip to all users. The drawback of not getting public ip is, you cannot connect to
your evdo pc from outside. By outside I mean like using access your pcs desktop
from some other internet pc. Other drawbacks are low torrent speeds
comparatively to broadband, no downloads from rapidshare.
Regarding coverage in your area, bsnl wont allow you to use it for few days.
Once you take the connection, you cannot discontinue it until you complete 3
months. You donot have to pay 3 months rental in advance but just you cannot
terminate your connection within 3 months period.
There is a process I heard called feasibility check, visit your local central
exchange and talk to the JTO there. He would be able to help you with checking
whether evdo is available in your area. And ya if the tower is within 2 km, you
will get good speed.
If you are taking EVDO, you can take it on Rental or Purchase. If you are
taking it on rental, initially you have to pay Rs. 2405 including the first
month rental and then every month Rs. 550+400. If you are taking it on purchase
scheme, initially you have to pay Rs. 4820 and pay monthly Rs. 550 only.
If you are taking NIC Card, and you are taking it on rental, you have to pay
initially around Rs.1650+tax(may be changed now) and then monthly Rs.
400(including rental of card). If you are purchasing you have to pay Rs. 3050 +
tax and monthly Rs. 250.
I suggest you take NIC Card of Rs. 250 on rental basis. That would be worth
it. Why I said rental is because if you are purchasing any instrument from bsnl,
after the warranty period expires and you have an issue with the device, you
cannot repair it. BSNL does not have facility to repair it so usually they will
only replace. Since your warranty has expired, they wont take your device to
replace. If you take it to the manufacturer company service center, they wont
take it since its bulk import by bsnl and has to be sent through bsnl only. In
short you will have to throw that device after 1 year if it turns out
ou need to visit your central exchange. All BSNL exchanges donot issue the
data card. Also I am not sure in the cases when the cards are out of stock.
Sometimes you might have to pay in advance for cards, if they are not in stock,
not sure though.
If you dont have a LAPTOP go for a USB one. Your
speeds wont vary with a usb or pcmcia. Just if something matters is that in USB
EVDO, you can extend it with a USB Extension cable. This comes usefull if you
get a signal at a particular point in your room and you can extend the usb
device to that point with an extension cable.
Finally while taking the
connection, go with a copy of your existing bsnl telephone bill. It would
speedup the process. I got the connection within 10 minutes of payment and
activated within 1 hour. It depends on the availability of instruments there and
feasibility. It can take from 3 days to 1 month depending on the availability.