Just wanted to let you know all my experience about the BSNL EVDO connection so that you never ever go for this.
I was one among the 1st 40 customer in Bangalore (Indira Nagar) who had taken the BSNL EVDO connection...Firstly the speed was slow and when I had complained a lot of times they upgrated to 1x after 3 months...
The speed was OK.and sometimes went upto 900 kbps..But what makes this a horrible experience is the inconsistency, Lack of connectivity., and above all No customer service and goofed up billing..
I was fed up after 3 months and went to BSNL to surrender the instrument and get my deposit of rs.1000 back.BSNLs uncultured staff torturted me and told me to pay the bill again inspite of showing them the receipt...reason..their system didnt reflect the amount I paid...What else can I expect from the computer-illiterate BSNL staffI was made to run from Pillar to post to cancel the connection...Finally I returned the instrument after paying 1 months extra rent..
The torture does not end here...Its been one year now and they have not returned my Deposit Money back and everytime I call up nobody picks up the phone...I just gave up..Can someone help me recover my money...I would be grateful...The fact is that my overall experience with BSNL has been like hell...and I suggest everyone not to even deal with BSNL people...Such a pathetic treatment I was given..