4 days ago I got the new 849 50MBPS connection to my house bcoz there is no other ISP in my location, the problem im facing is that my INTERNET DROP OUT randomly and come back after 10-20 sec this happens every 2-3 times in 30MIN, they gave me this SYROTECH modem which I dont know anything about!, i contacted the operator the one who came to my house and installed this he said nobody got this problem why you getting this problem and he also tell me to BUY your own modem then I will come and setup it& he did not agree to come and fix it, I already paid Rs.6300 for this connection. I play multiplayer games like PUBG when ever my net goes down I get disconnected and always lose the match because of this . now I dont know what should I do im already regretting this. PLEASE DONT GO BSNL