This is my experience with sancharnet, bsnls internet service. I live in Vijayawada, a reasonably big city, the third largest in AP.
The first and foremost reason for taking a sancharnet account is its price.It costs only Rs.540/- for 100 hrs, inclusive of all taxes.The best part is that the account is valid for whole 2 years along with other features like free surfing from 11pm to 8 am every day and free surfing for the whole day on sundays, aug 15, jan 26 and october 2.
The other isps in our city are dishnet, sify, pioneer, cityonline, netllinx, tataindicom and other small isps.The cost of their 100hrs packages is Rs890/- on average. Out of these isps, sify has the best customercare, speed and connectivity.But since vijayawada is a b classified city, we have to shell out very high amounts even while surfing.Every login is charged with 6 minutes and there are other charges too.
With regards to sancharnet, there is no such charges to be endured.Due to its low pricing, middleclass forms the major constituent of its customers. Since internet call is Rs7.2 per hour from 10.30 pm to 6.30 am, majority of the customers login during this period.The problem I am having these days is that even if I have lotta hours left in my account and the password I typed for connection is correct, i am getting rejection for wrong password, which is clearly due to overload. It is taking atleast 2 to 5 calls on average for connection.So my advatage of 10 minute pulse is annulled here.The customer care is the worst in sancharnetamong all the isps.This is strictly my personal empirical opinion.
Albeit all these factors militate sancharnets credibility, it is the best since we dont have choice.I request all the other isps to rework their tariffs and be in contention.