I have been using the Netone for about a year now. It?s been a good experience.
at that time my home PC was about 2 months old and was using satyam online connection. The hours would exhaust in about 20 days.
I was thinking if I should buy a 3month or 6 month package. Around that time I came to know about netone. The netone looked good, secure and convenient. It was easy to register. I get the usage bill along with my telephone which is very convenient. No hassles of buying packages of varying durations and trying to track the usage.
Open your dialer(any dialer and you can download Netone dialer )
Dial No : 172222
Username: netone
Password: netone
When it connects it would open the site https://netoneblr.bsnl.co.in/
At this stage you are connected to the bsnl network. You will be able to access only the above bsnl web site. Then you fill out the registration form online.
The user name will be your phone number and choose a password.
This connection works only when you dial using your phone line. This is a security feature to prevent misuse the account. If someone manages to find your password he will not be able to connect from any other phone line. The username being your phone number the connection can be made from the phone line of this number alone.
Disadvantage for you would obviously be the account is not portable. You have to use it from your home phone line.
Usage tariff
netone usage is charged 10paise per pulse in addition to your phone charge. Net pulse is of 60sec so you pay 10paise/min plus normal telephone charges.
Coming to speed. I get about 3.5k to 4k download speed on average. This is ok for normal internet usage, downloading small attachments in you mails, antivirus definitions, screensavers etc.
On Some afternoons I found it difficult to get the line.. the line is busy and I had to retry more than 10 times to login. The connection does not sustain for long.
In all its been good one year with Netone. I am not a heavy surfer at home spend on an average 20-25 hours a month. I would recommend it.