Previously i was a docomo user in orissa. When came to hyderabad. Took bsnl connection...bcoz bsnl allow 2g user to access 3g network for at that time it was good but it 1 month..problem network in my room(hyderabad) complained...but in vain. Without 3g network edge speed is pathetic.7-10 kbps..poor customer care.
Finally tried for alternative...found airtel > although 2g user can not access 3g network, but speed is decent...uninor> speed is 18-22kbps..idea> access 3g network. One thing made me surprise in idea that upload speed is 14kbps, which is far better than its competitors.means browsing is fun here..only problem is when you surf through 2g network...but i lll recommend to not take bsnl if you are staying in city..if travelling use airtel or vodafone.
I am not against any operator , but sharing my experience..