When I could not stand on the harassment and insult by BSNL, Bangalore in providing Broadband to my shifted telephone, I approached DOT grievance cell at Delhi. ( I was already exhausted by chasing the BSNL office for shifting the telephone to my new residence).
None of my E mails to Area Manager, Gm and PGM were acknoledged. I intimated that Iam no more interested in their Broadband connection, My noninterest in broadband was greeted with relief and they disconnected my Broad band promptly. However approaching DOT grievance cell by me has not taken by BSNL lightly.
They took revenge on me by disconnecting the land line for 9 days** inspite of registering two complaints. The connection was reinstated after I again approached the grievance cell. I prayed them that I may be treated as a normal BSNL customer and not to harass excessively as I approached grievance cell( they have the privelege to harass with in limit).
So if you have any continueous problem with BSNL you can also approach DOT grievance cell `pgportal.gov.in. Before going for any adventurous step apply for another private telephone connection.