BSNL has started its own website and from where you can log in and access the bill information and other things from their website. But funny thing was when I logged in and added my number into the website it didnt ask to authenticate if I own the number or not. So I was allowed to add any number I know in the Mysore division and can access Bill Information , Meter Reading. But thats fine. Only problem was when I accessed the Calls made from my number. So, If people can add anyones number and then check the list of numbers they have made then its a fortune for Business people to hack and see the calls made. Forget hacking here in this website you dont have to do that also. Its a serious issue and I have sent an email to Customer Care/Webmaster of BSNL. But just to caution the BSNL users about it i am putting this word. website is
As I am from Mysore, I am giving the example of Mysore BSNL link.
One more concern. I would definitely want to know who got the tender of building the website for BSNL. That would give some light on the quality of work that has been done by the company which developed Website for BSNL. This question is t0 Mr. Anil K Sinha.
Star of Mysore has published my mail in their Voice of Reader, But they did edit my content and simplly put the message as below. They even changed my subject, To make it more provocating , I am posting it here with a subject as above. Hope it works !
2nd November 2006, Voice of Reader section.
BSNL has started its own website. Now you can log in and access the bill information and other things from their website.
But the funny thing was when I logged in and added my number into the website, it didnt ask to authenticate if I own the number or not. So I was allowed to add any number I know in Mysore division and access bill information, meter reading.
So, if people can add anyones number and then check the list of numbers they have made then its a fortune for business people to hack and see the calls made. Forget hacking, here in this website you dont have to do that also.
Since its a serious issue, I request the Customer Care of BSNL to look into this.
— Raviraj on e-mail