I was having a BSNL landline connection since 2007 in my new flat.During Nov 2009, I made the decision to close this landline (because every member in my home has a cell phone and I thought it is wastage of money to pay BSNL rent every month without any reason)
So I went to the Hadpasar (Industrial Area) BSNL Office. Took the phone instrument with me.There I filled a request to closure. They asked me for reason (and I mentioned the same).They gave me a acknowledgement receipt (dated 1st Dec) and also told me that I will have to pay the bill till dec end. I was OK with it.
Now starts the real drama:-I was expecting that they will send me the deposit cheque (which I paid during subscribing)But there was no letter from them and in Mar-2010, I received a bill for Jan-2010 and Feb-2010. I was fuming...
Then I went to their office and asked them to let me know how I got a bill for these two months(Rs. 330/-), when actually I had applied for closure on 1st Dec-2009. After wasting my 1.5hrs, they finally came to the cause. The reason was that my application was NOT SENT for closure from their side. Which actually means that the connection was still alive. and the most frustration part what that one lady there says to me - "you must have been using the connection with other handset". Guys believe me, only because she was a lady of my mothers age, so I kept my cool.
Then I was told to meet another person (called the dean) and tell him the matter. After further 2 visits I was able to meet this person. He took the details from me and said that dont worry your connection will be closed now (NOW ???? ) and you will receive your full deposit.
I was a bit relaxed now.
Come 14th May and I recieved a cheque from BSNL with amount around 670/- (which means 1000 - 330)So effectively they had charged me for the Jan-2010 and Feb-2010 months when in fact I had applied to close it on 1st Dec-2009.
I had two options 1) Visit BSNL and keep the fight going2) Deposit the cheque to my account and think - "forget it"
I chose the second option. Simply because I had no patience to visit a "sarkari" office and interact with those irritating people and increase my BP.
Moral:-I am not writing this review to convey my frustation to you all. I am writing this with the AIM that if at all any of you decide to close a BSNL connection, please visit their office in a week of your closure application submission and ask them whether they have forwarded the request .....