I was pleasantly surprised to find the name of BSNL in mouthshut. In awe of this behemoth, I decided to pen a few words, if only words can do justice.
I am a loyal and admiring subscriber of BSNL for the broadband services. Well last month things started going a little wayward. Well such small things can and, mind you, can happen at such big organizations. Ok, where was I? Yes wayward. First my bill came to a whopping 2000 and something. Previous balance it was showing as 1200 something. Whereas in the previous month, online payment portal and the paper statement both showed 380. Must be something wrong with my eyes surely. Had my eyes checked and was surprised when the doctor said my glass power was fine. Stupid doctor! Someone suggested I should call on the number given at the back of the bill for grievances.
What grievances?? Anybody associated with BSNL knows it is above all laws of lowly humans! Anyways just to please such naysayers I called on the number for complaints. What bliss..the eternal ringing of the telephone reminded me of a temple…ringing in eternal hope. Finally after a few trips to the BSNL offices…mind you, just like thousands of temples with thousands of gods we have hundreds of BSNL offices with hundreds of. Ok so I was telling you that finally the fault turned out to be with a lowly computer software which defied the gods and goddesses of BSNL and put a few amounts which were credited to me by BSNL gods earlier due to, again, a system fault a few months back.
Another minor problem that had a few friends fuming was the inability to pay online this month. According to them BSNL should first prepare an alternative system and then shut down the previous system, but then I see divinity in BSNL’s work. I called up BSNL broadband customer care and after hearing the bells ringing for a few hundred times I could hear HIS voice
‘Hello’ I said not believing my ears. I wanted to jump up and down like a kid after getting a costly toy that he wanted for so long. Anyways, I just controlled my emotions and said ‘I am not able to pay online. Can you help’
No answer. I was terrified.
‘Y-e-s’ The long dopey voice came back again. I felt so guilty as I seemed to have woken him up from a slumber.
I repeated my problem and god again repeated ‘y-e-s, I will look into the matter and call back’. I was blessed!
Of course HE did not call but he made sure I work hard to find out that they are making some changes to the system and it might be some time before things go back to normal.
These few days have brought a new insight into life, courtesy BSNL!