I had already written this review, but somehow it got lost in the shuffle, when MS went down. I unfortunatly did not save it (nor did I save any!), so Ill try to recreate it again
BUDWEISER, dubbed King of beer by millions of people all over the world. The working mans champagne.
Representing Power and beauty, the Clydesdale horses are used to represent one of the most powerful brewing companies that began in Bavaria in 1852.
Mass produced at approximatly 100 million barrels per day, (give or take a thousand), by the Anheuser Busch brewing company of Saint Louis, Missouri.
Busweiser is not the best of beers. It has a slightly bitter aftertaste, which you dont get with most of the better imports. But, if you poll 100 beer drinkers, Ill bet 90% of them choose Bud over all the other domestic brands.
It is quite affordable at $4.59 for a six pack and $7.99 for a twelve pack here in the US.
It the the most widely sold beer at sporting events and at neighborhood taverns. Any time youre at a barbque, Im sure youll see coolers of Bud and Bud lite outnumbering all the others.
The lite version of Bud, as with all other beers, has slightly less calories than the regular. Im not sure, but I myself believe all the lite beers are basically just watered down a bit.
Beer has been brewed for 100s of years in some form or another, but, this particular concoction of barley, hops, malt and water has been brewed for over 150 years by Anheuser Busch, so I guess theyre doing something right.
Medical research is now saying that having a glass or 2 (NOT 20 !) of beer every day helps lower cholestrol.
But, as with any alcoholic beverage, dont over indulge and NEVER drink and drive.
So sit down with Frank and Louie, the new Budweiser lizard mascots and enjoy your glass or 2 of Budweiser responsibly.
(I myself no longer drink any alcoholic beverages, including beer!)