Well lets give credit where credit is due. The Bud/Busch family is at least shoving the family tradition thing down our throats. They make you believe that Budweiser is thrown together by people who really give three craps about quality.
Im not so sure about that.
Ive been to a few breweries in my time and Budweiser isnt your normal, tiny-town, love to stand over a hot vat of fermentation sort of place.
You may find that sort of atmosphere in your small-town breweries, but Budweiser is about making a profit by name alone. I do enjoy the idea that the company tries to represent high quality beliefs and a high quality family tradition, but deep in my heart I know that its all about the bottom line. MONEY!
Now dont get me wrong. Im pretty certain that ALL beer companies are trying to make money, but at least the put out a superior taste for the additional buck.
Dont be fooled by the heart-warming commercials or the magnificent trotting horses with the muff stockings. There are at least five hundred and seventy two beers out there with better quality, a richer taste and even some that will cost you less at the counter as well.
Budweiser is purely a marketing name and doesnt really represent quality. The born on date does say something about freshness but all in all beer remains fresh and is taken off the shelves of most places well before the consumer would notice a major change.
You gotta love those SuperBowl commercials though. Kudos to the Budweiser marketing department even if the taste department leaves something to be desired.
My opinion is:
Buy another beer!