Nowdays having a website is very common thing every individual who wants to promote or to express its work better must have its own website. Now people wonder for making an website the individual must know the advance computer language like python c+ etc but thats not true there are lots of website where you can create your I will tell u how to make website for is helpful for all who is begineer or who have professional .so although there are many websiyes which help individual to make site free but the one I like is wix. The site gives u acess of free membership and its content . You will get there large no of themes like if u want to make website for photography so u will get customised theme for photography over there . the interface of site is easy u will easily understand what to do .the website u made is completely free but if u want sone additional feature so you have to pay .there were some package . although if u have your own domian so u can link with that website tooo. Thats so simple so pls try thisss site and make your own website