If you can do the designing, programming, content developing and of course, financing it.
If not, then you are in for some unpleasant surprises.
It very difficult to get the job done from the programmers and designers and getting someone to sponsor your project is ultimate goal, which is hardly reached by many.
I am trying to make a site but I dont have any complains as I am doing everything by myself and I have not left any room for doting on outside finance. I am developing the content and design. The little bit of programming is being taken care of by friends(of course for free) and its friends who are writing some of the content.
If you have a group of friends who are willing to help you then, you are ready to roll. Get your ideas in place and start distributing the work.
If you are planning to hire people to do the work, do it very diligently. Make sure that you get work out of every penny you are paying. Otherwise there are always people on lookout for a suitable bakra to halal.
Did I forget to mention about the brick and mortar sites? Well1 thats the site which is about a company or organisation which has a physical presence and is functional with or without the site.
For example a company website displaying its products and services etc. In this case the website rolls mileage in terms of new customers and extending the reach of the company. These kind of sites are not going to be affected by any dotcom doom. If you are looking at building these sites. Green signal. Otherwise the Orange one. Be careful!