Here goes, this is about my 3 rd motorcycle, I have honda unicorn( 1st generation) and a bajaj avenger(1st generation), the bullet 500 lb which I bought last year on jan 30th from technic motors.
first - those who buy from technic motors - please check the motorcycle carefully before you take it. mine had a dent in the front fork and the hub was already bent. there was no compression lever and the royal enfield sticker was half torn on the tank.
Since it was new, I got the hub replaced and got a compression lever. but I was already pissed. I paid over a lakh and they have made it clear that they dont care. My bullet is a black with too much chrome, if there is one thing I hate is too much chrome. I plan to get the tank painted full black soon. I have now crossed 12000 kms and I have done a few changes.
1- I have changed to a free flow exhaust. mileage has dropped only in the city, on the highway I get 35 kms plus.
2 - a larger horn. its the 2nd horn actually. the first change stopped working after a few months in fact. anyways the standard horn is not loud enough on the highway.
3-thunderbird handlebar - you dont need to change the disk brake oil cable for this. its a tight fit but no harm. its now more comfy to ride. you cant do any sharp cornering though but then the bullet is not for that.
of late I had a problem with a bend in the front and it took a month to figure out what was really wrong. I changed the ball bearings, got both the rims trued, this was when I changed the handle bar also.but still there was a problem. finally a mechanic at the royal enfield jayanagar company showrrom firgured out that my front tyre was not balanced correctly. now she is just fine. but I had a really bad time with this problem at technic motors. they went on and on and in fact I just lost time and money with them.
on my last ride to chennai a screw in the speedometre console has popped out but since its inside the console it has not fallen off anywhere. the needle just jerks a bit more. thats all.
my electric start is working fine, touchwood. I dont use it to start in the mornings, only at traffic lights. so I guess thats why its ok.
the suspension is very hard and is better if you have a pillion else there is nothing much you can do about that. she rides fine around 80kms but push her more and the ride becomes very the viberations increase tenfold. the mirrors are completely useless but a point to note,
those of you who have a thunderbird and are not happy with the standard mirrors, use the mirrors on the machismo. I didnt change my mirrors when I changed to the thunderbird handlebar and the view is much much better, till the vibrations hit of course.
i also recommend that the front tyre be changed as its no good with a disc brake. my rear brake is too wooden. very poor response in fact. but again its the design so there is not thing much that can be done but pray.
but a bullet is a bullet, you will need to take her to a mechanic every month, even every week. you will need to be very patient but of course if you are will learn the hard way.
take care of her and she is surprise you every time you take her out. and oh..i dont take her out when it rains. somehow I always feel that she doesnt like getting wet!!!
the 500 is a better buy than the 350s as the price difference is only around 6k to 7k. with the 500 you get 6 bhp more and 2 times the torque which is what really not many folks have a 500, do they?
so if you enjoy your own company and enjoy long rides with no hurry in mind, the bullet 500 is the one for you....and yes you need bucket loads of patience.
ride hard, ride safe.