Hi to all the bullet fans . te first thing comes to my mind when I talk abt electra is its royalty.person siiting on it believes taht he is a royal person
i mean it deserve to call itselfa royal thing I mean it has every thing wat a royal thong should really have it has class power and a orra which dominate on other bikes. or I shud say that bullet is a harley davidson of india.
well this is was all abt bullet now letz talk abt electra only. I have electra 2004model.its has some about engine like of bullet standard.but it has more pick up than std .the clutch is much more smoother than standard.forget abt those old thing that if battery is low ur bullet will not start well this was the problem with bullet satandard but not with electra it starts even if the battery is low.Well as far as average is considered in begining like before 3000 it will give between 25 to 30.plz keep in mind for best result always keep ur bike a one hand drive especially till ur 3000kms gets over and never drive ur bike above 40 to 50 km/hr it will increase ur engines life after doin so ur bike will give u ang of 40kms on road but in a city like chandigarh it will only give between 25kms to 30kms.
yes if u r planning to put alloy wheels u can go for it but only if u dont give priority to the average.i have a silver colour electra with alloys .yes before first service do not change ur silencer like if u wnt to change it then change it in the showroom or after the first service and if u want to change the silencer u can by it from the market rather than from the showroom in market it will cost u around RS350 TO 400.
And as far as the voice of the engine thats is upto ur choice if u want to experiment with it then first go for a removal of glass wool from the silencer than make some holes in the silencer its all upto u and ur choice.
well this was a summary of bullet electra.Believe me its a best bike to buy and to ride u will not get tired even on the long roads .