A Classic Legend called BULLET
Bullet foot prints traces back to early 1930?s that was when the British motor cycle industry was flourishing with then giants like Triumph, BSA, Norton, Royal Enfield etc? to name a few. Bullet was originally brought into India for Defense service during the mid 1950?s after which it stole millions of hearts in India and still remains to be the most honored and classic Bike.
Bullet Electra 2004.
No matter what model Royal Enfield launches it is essentially a Bullet, which has more than half a century of history. Bullet Electra 2004 is a no exception. All the traditional Bullet behavior is obvious, excluding some oil leaks which were rooted into Bullets, Vibrations which causes all the fasteners to get loose and parts to fall while riding and the big starting trouble with CB points not tuned properly?
These are some things that are taken care in Bullet Electra 2004, personally I have been using the Bullet for 4 months and so far no Oil leaks, loose fasteners, parts falling down and starting trouble not at all. This Bullet is far better than when compared to earlier launches. It has the same 350CC cast iron engine, which powers the thumper, with a Transistor Controlled Ignition for better and reliable starts with less effort. Even in cold conditions it starts well with 2 or 3 kicks in morning without choke.
Bullet Electra 2004 also has gas-assisted shocks on back which provides feather like suspension and comfort for the pillion rider. The clutch on this Bullet is very much improved and nice to use. Gearbox is same old traditional one with the same behavior, needs a lot of improvement here?. It takes a lot of effort for beginners to shift gears on a brand new Electra?After 3000Kms shifting will improve considerably.
The thump is not as same as a STD Bullet with CB points but its very nice with a glass wool filled silencer. Not so muted as if on the old Electra but its good. To retain the old thump need to change the silencer to short bottle. Even then it won?t be 100% satisfying but it will be close to 95%, since the CB points contribute a great deal for that striking thump on STD models. As all Bullets this is also not worth to count on mileage?a well maintained and runned in engine would give any where around 35 to 40 which is nominal and good.
Bullet excels in handling and comfort, after riding Bullet there is no question of back pain, which I use to have with Ambition. Handling is no way matched to any other Indian Bike, BULLET EXCELS and OUTSTANDS the crowd. In simple one word to describe Bullet, it may not be a Horse which would run and run as fast as it could, but it?s a LION, which has character and life with its owner, ask any Bullet owner and he will tell tales and history without fuss. Before you make a decision to buy a Bullet please do ride and see if you suit for it, Unless you have the passion for it please don?t even consider buying it because it has its own feelings and may not match with yours. It needs some regular care provided and it can take you anywhere there is a trace of path and human existence.