I am a passer by fan of bullet and have driving experience with my friends bike who was very passionate with his Royal Bullet -
However we enjoyed long drives, racing, tracking ---enj to core -
As a Viewer I just want to keep some points in table -
1.) The electrical connections in the bikes often leads to short circuit(damn new condition) - which inturn disenables the total circuit system of the bike- I mean total DC power gets shutdown --u will be not able to move the veichle even inches without replacing the fuse--May be many wouldnt have faced this problem -But Bug is elecrical wiring should not be so ..I even enquired with the Bulls service asked us to rewire it with an Expert - check it out with- Bullet Showrooms Valas.This is not the case in other bikes even ur battery drains or SC -- u can still run your bike --==
2.) Shelling a 1 lakh in a Premium veichle which doesnt have even manual fuel Indicator - Comeon Bull a BP, Yam, HH all bikes in this cadre has all this tecnology even u get it in digital also -- an Analog fuel meter will fetch u 1500-2000 Rs only -
3.) There are Two Locks one Centre locks are provided at the bottom and other the Ignition Off -- and every time u need to CL u will lose your patience ----Iam not a design enginner but however I find this Centre locks in chota mota bikes why not Bulls can give this option -It would be very simple for users to use it na --
4.) The tyre base dia at the back and to an extent front is lookin like a Tvs-50 tyres-
Yeah I Knew a Bulkier tyre will certainly would pull down the Mileage ---However from
a Consumer point I feel Certainly looks like a Gun without a bullet -- A bull without Agressiveness---
5.) The Fuel tank lid is a screw type -- guess it would have been a traditional design of them --- will you not change it to current trend-- all other bikes have Fixed openable lids-- I mean its very easy to use --
Overall bike looks muscular for guys to throttle down and Gear up withur GFssss
6.) And the decibel level of horn is so stupid -ants even would turn their butts to it --Crazy ---
Hello friends iam not against Bulls - I like him a lot and thats why I expect a lot from him --Sorry if I have hurted the fans of bullet -Its all my sincere views and perception any wrong statements can be kindly corrected -