Hi guys,
wel this is my first review.i hav a read many reviews before and thot of writing down one myself today, wel ya as the title says im in love , haha, and to what it seems from my experience with her so far I dont think she wil ever ditch me ! yes im talking bout my new BULLET ELECTRA , its a black colour bought on the 7th september.
wel rite from my college days in bhavans (andheri)i was always fascinated by bullet , i rembr in my college days a friend of mine had a bullet with tat loud thump, and we used to cum to know that he is about to cum from a distance , just hearing his bulletes thump that was quite loud , and trust me guys the moment he entered the college premises and everyone used to turn around and see him, wel that was the time wen I said to myself that boss this is bike il own it one day. it makes its presence felt .
wel wen I got a chance to own a bike (that was wen my dad finally agreed) I was in last year college and obviously financially dependant on my dad. I always wanted a power bike and mileage was never on my mind. but the fact tat bullet gives only around 32 -33 km/litre I cudnt convince my dad and finally settled on pulsar 180
wel I rode it for 3 yrs and finally on the dreaded 26th july 2005 wen the city was submerged wit water my bike was stolen :( and since now that I had a option to buy a bike on my own now that I earn and can afford a bullet I finally bot myself oneee at last... my dream was wit me on the september 7 .......
and guys how much I cherish it !! its a gem of a bike. the bike has disc brakes , electric start , five gears on the left side. I thoroughly enjoy wen im riding it and wen I am not I long to ride it .boss it gives suchaa gret feel wen the fellow bikers give u tat stare as if they were telling me tat im lukin gret on tat bike. its such a ego booster.
and now to sum serious business, the bike is giving me 32 km/litre now. although there were a lot of problems before and sum or the other probs keeps on cropping up again and again.i had a lotta probs wit the ignition switch , boss I was frustrated like hell with that ignition switch. it had a loose contact and we u turn it on, at times, it dint hav the current. so umpteen times I was left in the midddle of the road wit no current in the bike, wel I even had to drag the bike a couple of times to the mechanic , cos of this, and boy kya haalat hua bike ko dhakka maarte , u cum to know of the weight wen ur pushing it .
during my first service the showroom mechanic just fit the loose contact, I thot the prob is solved but it cropped up again, the current jsut kept on disaapearing time to time, and ultimately I gave a nice firing to teh showroom mechanic and got it changed and its doing fine now. the tension of teh chain was quite less and tat had to be rectified. the gears r sumtimes quite hard to shift. and teh kick was jammed cos of which I had a sore leg once wen the electric start wasnt working wen the battery was down ,
boss its always better to kick start in the morning but I dunno y I stil cannot kick start the bike even after the kick was done right. the clutch wire was broken once cos of which I had to push the bike again , , , , , , , , the coil in the front fork was broken once cos of which the oil kept spilling on the handle, and made the handle bar dirty and so had to be replaced. And now thers sum jarring sound tats cumin of the horn, wel problems keep cumin here and there, but I hav no qualms, I l love her toh ab uske natak toh jhelne padenge !
guys don’t even think twice , once ul be on bike ul forget every thing and will just cruiseeeeeeeeeeeeeee ………….