I would want you all to please help me with few things about this bike.,
Whats the average mileage do I get if I ride constantly 40-50KMPH?
Is it safe to ride this bike for 600 KM continuously? Planing for BLR to GOA
I’ve finally booked a thunder bird on August 20 2011, I have been promised that I would get my bike within 3-4 months, since I am very much eager to ride my bike, I would like to get some information from people who have got their delivery of this bike in bangalore about the time it takes them to deliver. Also what’s the main things I have to check while collecting the bike.
The main reason why I choose this bike is because always when I used to see this bird on roads my eyes wouldnt get off this bike, I always had a dream if I go for a bike I will surely go for this but then only thing was stopping me was the cost of this bike is very expensive then later at times I decided that I will go for it and finally I am at it now. Lets see how my decision is after I ride this bird. Love you birdie :)
Please help me folks.